

Uruguay Experience

The BIT Centre (meaning “Welcome, Interpretation and Tourist”) was officially inaugurated on the 6th of October in Colonia del Sacramento. After carrying out some research, Uruguayan Ministry of Sports and Tourism found out that this city is the main entrance for foreingers in the whole country. For that reason, the BIT is intended to be much more than a visitors’ information centre. It is a place for tourists to get in touch with our culture; an exhibition of all our country has to offer.

When I first heard about this U$S1.500.000 construction, with its extravagant architecture and hi-tech devices, I had serious doubts about its usefulness. I wondered, for example, how interesting could it be for a Japanese visitor to read about my country through a touch-screen, when he comes here to "experience Uruguay" for himself.

On my visit to the centre, I found an airy, bright, comfortable reception, with friendly and laid-back staff. Despite my initial reservations, I have to admit that this was a major improvement – and a necessary one- when we compare to our former information office, which was so tiny and cramped.

At the reception, visitors will find information about what to do and where to go in Uruguay, and the possibility to arrange transport services and accomodation through a private company. There is also a restaurant which offers typical dishes -soon accompanied by shows-, a crafts shop, and a space for temporal exhibitions that now displays a series of murga costumes lent by the Carnival Museum.

The main feature of the centre (and my personal favourite) is an audiovisual production which is projected on the walls of a special darkened room. The video starts by briefly showing a timeline of several events that marked our history, then pictures of Colonia, and the main beauty spots in the whole country. It also makes a rapid review through some elements of our culture, and in only 10 minutes, you get a fairly clear picture of what Uruguay is.

Since the center was opened, in July, more than 4928 people have visited it, only a 26% of whom were Uruguayans. I still cannot tell whether the BIT will be a profittable investment or not, and if visitors are really going to enjoy it. For me, it is an attractive and interesting place, and I think local residents should not miss the opportunity to go. Maybe the authorities should ensure that the centre is involved with the community, and it doesn’t end up being seen as a place ‘just for tourists’.

Mural painting by the artist Tunda Prada, representig our history through a comic

The BIT includes a space for children with books and netbooks
Source: Diario "La Colonia", Information provided by Viviana Beltrán



Telematch is a competition organized by High School Number 1 in order to celebrate the arrival of spring. The custom of celebrating this season with different kinds of festivals has become popular among several institutions in Colonia.


UNESCO International Model

At this moment 7 highschool students from Colonia del Sacramento are boarding the ship that will take them to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to take part in the XII edition of the UNESCO Model at José Hernández Institute.
This will certainly be a unique learning experience for all of them, as they will be involved in formal discussions and diplomatic negociations, in an enviroment that is completely different from what they see everyday.
The event will be held from the 5th to the 8th of october and consists of several debates in which each delegation represents a country (in this case, Vietnam) assuming its position regarding different topics, such as freedom, women's rights, protection of cultural items, etc.

What makes it even more interesting is the opportunity to get in contact with people from all over the world. Students from Italy, Paraguay, Singapore, Slovakia, Uruguay and Argentina have been "diplomatics" at this Model.
Pictures taken from José Hernández Institute's website
One detail that should be remarked is that these seven students attend a public highschool (which is quite unusual at this activity), and have worked really hard to prepare all the information that they need, while at the same time raising the money for the tickets and other expenditures.

We would like like to congratulate them, and wish them good luck.


A new option for tourists

The BIT Center (Meaning 'Welcoming, Interpretation and Tourism' or in Spanish Centro de Bienvenida, Interpretación y Turismo) will soon be oficially open to public. Many authorities, such as our Tourism and Sports minister Dr. Héctor Lescano, will attend the event that will be held on the 6th of October.

As Colonia del Sacramento is the main point where tourists arrive at our country, the building is located in this city, at a short distance from the port. The purpose of building a centre like this is to provide our visitors with accurate and interesting information about Uruguay, so that they decide to stay longer and visit many different places.

The financial outlay required for this project was of  U$S 1.300.000, lent by the Inter-American Development Bank. While many people in Colonia have greeted this initiative with enthusiasm, other still doubt whether the BIT will prove to be useful or not. We'll have to wait and see. 

Source: http://www.destino-puntadeleste.com/web/inauguran-el-centro-de-bienvenida-interpretacion-y-turismo-bit-en-colonia/

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