

A new option for tourists

The BIT Center (Meaning 'Welcoming, Interpretation and Tourism' or in Spanish Centro de Bienvenida, Interpretación y Turismo) will soon be oficially open to public. Many authorities, such as our Tourism and Sports minister Dr. Héctor Lescano, will attend the event that will be held on the 6th of October.

As Colonia del Sacramento is the main point where tourists arrive at our country, the building is located in this city, at a short distance from the port. The purpose of building a centre like this is to provide our visitors with accurate and interesting information about Uruguay, so that they decide to stay longer and visit many different places.

The financial outlay required for this project was of  U$S 1.300.000, lent by the Inter-American Development Bank. While many people in Colonia have greeted this initiative with enthusiasm, other still doubt whether the BIT will prove to be useful or not. We'll have to wait and see. 

Source: http://www.destino-puntadeleste.com/web/inauguran-el-centro-de-bienvenida-interpretacion-y-turismo-bit-en-colonia/

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